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July 6, 2020

Clustermarket v2.5

feature announcements
scheduling and planning software

Clustermarket V2.5.1 and V2.5.2 have been successfully released.

What’s new in version 2.5?

Hierarchy:  We are introducing a new hierarchy system with three account levels to help larger organizations organize and manage their resources more efficiently. Users who are given a certain role at the organization and department level will have that access to all of the accounts down in the hierarchy. Please get in touch with us, so we can discuss your hierarchy requirements and set it up for you.

Performance: We have worked on a significant number of performance optimizations so overall the application feels faster and more responsive.

Registration: The registration process will change completely as it will no longer be required to create an organization or lab at the time of registration. You will be able to do that later after the registration has been completed.

Invitation: Shortly after this release we will be introducing invitations with a link or QR code. You will then be able to share a link via email or even post it on your wall so other people can quickly gain access to your lab.

Multi-lab access: Users will be able to play any role in multiple labs, departments or organizations. You will no longer be restricted to having a single Lab Admin or being ‘Guest’ at labs other than your "Home Lab".

Invitation: From now on your lab users must be invited (whether they already have an account with us or not). Users will no longer be able to select the lab on the registration page. Shortly after this release, we will be introducing invitations with a link or QR code. You will then be able to share a link via email or even post it on your website so other people can quickly gain access to your lab.

Sidebar: On the sidebar on the left you will be able to select the organization, department or lab account you are currently viewing and acting on behalf of. Different functionalities and new options will be given depending on the account you have selected and your access level within that account. This is especially useful when you work at multiple labs and you quickly need to switch between them. You will then only be seeing the equipment for the organization/department or lab you have selected. We will also be introducing a “My Dashboard” section where you can get an overview of your activities across all labs you are a member of.


Upcoming features

Some of you have filled out our survey regarding most-wanted features and we would like to thank you for your participation and feedback. Based on the survey results we prioritized the following two major features besides some other improvements:

Recurring bookings: It will be possible to make recurring bookings.

Multiple equipment bookings: It will be possible to book multiple pieces of equipment at once with the same start and end time.

Watch the demonstration here.

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