
Core facility management

Streamline all your core facility's processes from equipment access to service requests with an intuitive and state of the art lab management platform.

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Cambridge logoHelmholtz logo

Key benefits

Streamline your processes through features including but not limited to notifying users directly through the platform of maintenance or breakdowns, and downloading filtered usage data for billing purposes.

Equipment booking software

Accurate and fair charging

Recover your costs by setting up the right pricing structure and use actual usage data to avoid over - or undercharging.

Equipment booking software


Customize booking rules and training requirements to maintain a secure and organized lab environment.

Equipment booking software

Increased activity

Drive usage of your core facility's equipment and services by providing a great user experience.

Case Study: Imaging Core at UCD Conway Institute

View case study

Rules and access

Restrict equipment access to invididuals or groups  in combination with customisable fees based on time and user type e.g. internal, external. Furthermore, set up booking rules such as min/max booking time, booking time increments, lab hours.

Equipment booking software


Filter and download usage data as a csv. file to comply with audit requirements and easily identify the charge per user, project/funding code or research group.

Equipment booking software

Projects and funding codes

Make projects mandatory for equipment bookings and allocate charges to funding codes.

Equipment booking software


Use the desktop application to restrict access to computers needed to manage lab equipment and track the actual usage time.

Equipment booking software


Inform users in equipment calendars or via email about lab incidents and filter recipients by equipment access or created bookings.

Equipment booking software

Questions we often hear from core facilities

How do we make sure that our users are charged fairly and accurately?
How can we setup different pricing structures based on time, project and user groups?
How can we make sure equipment is only used by trained users?
We do monthly invoicing. Is there a reporting feature that shows us the booking data including charges?
We would like to automate our billing process. How can we integrate a solution with our finance system?
Our users are often temporary, especially students. How can we revoke user access after a certain time or on a specific date?
How can we manage maintenance activities?

Our answer:

Clustermarket can answer these questions, offering a comprehensive, flexible, and intuitive core facility management software

Keep up-to-date with your industry

Case Study: Leiden Institute of Chemistry - Proteomic and Tissue Culture Facilities

Case Study: Leiden Institute of Chemistry - Proteomic and Tissue Culture Facilities

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Case Study: Materials Characterization Laboratory

Case Study: Materials Characterization Laboratory

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Case Study: Imaging Core at UCD Conway Institute

Case Study: Imaging Core at UCD Conway Institute

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