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May 23, 2022

Updated Users and Groups tables

feature announcements
equipment access
Resource scheduler

As part of our system's interface update, the ‘Users’ module has a new look with refreshed tables! The main changes are:

- Overview: this table now shows accepted, invited, and expired user invites. This new table also tells you if, and how, each user has equipment access (via individual rules and/or via groups).

- Requests: here you will find everyone who has requested to join your lab. You can review their email addresses and messages and decide whether to accept or reject them.

- Web links: this table shows you all invitation URLs created in your lab.

- Groups: here you can find all groups in your lab. This table used to sit outside the Users module but it can now be found next to your user list for easier access.

Resource scheduler
Resource scheduler

With the new tables, you can select multiple users and weblinks to remove them all with one click.

In addition, hovering over fields where the content overflows the available space will show you the full content. For example, this is useful when checking people’s names and equipment lists in the Groups table.

If you have any questions or comments please contact us at

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