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November 30, 2021

Partnering up with eLabNext - Technical integration (Coming early 2022)

r&d software

A key reason for operational inefficiency in laboratories is the fact that data is often held in siloes. Paper notebooks, hard-drive-based documents and disconnected server-based software are common in the laboratory. When each scientist or analyst works in a slightly different way, recording information in different formats and different locations, it can be very hard for teams to build on established findings and methods. This can lead to inefficiencies as scientists cannot easily learn from the successes and mistakes of the past and they waste time looking for information and creating established methods anew.

For this reason, we have partnered with eLabNext to provide our users access to a premium ELN (eLabJournal) and offer a barrier-free movement between the two systems. Experiment information in the ELN  will  include equipment usage and equipment information from the Clustermarket lab resource scheduler.

If you do not have an account with them yet, get your free test account and explore their digital lab systems.

Find out more:  

About eLabNext

eLabNext was founded in 2010 with the purpose of elevating life science laboratories through digitization. Today, eLabNext helps modern scientists in R&D labs of academic institutes, pharma, biotech, and start-ups in the process of optimizing their workflows. They provide an electronic notebook, inventory, sample and protocol management functionalities.

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