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May 24, 2022

Clustermarket integrates with leading ELN solution ResearchSpace

R&D laboratories are places brimming with expertise and collaboration, resulting in successful research and new innovations. However, this is rarely as easy as it seems - in addition to their research, scientists often have to carry out manual administration tasks as well as gather tedious reporting data. This has a large impact on their capacity to spend time focusing on their research. 

Implementation of digital tools can help to alleviate some of the workload by automating manual tasks such as utilization reporting and workflow management. However, having multiple systems can also add additional workload for the person managing them. Often data that has been created in the digital tools gets siloed and needs to be manually plugged into any other tools used in the workflow. This leads to slow adoption of digital solutions in R&D labs and a disappointing experience for the researchers. 

To help avoid these issues and ensure smooth workflows in the lab, we have partnered with ResearchSpace to offer barrier-free movement between the two systems. 

Clustermarket users will now be able to have access to a premium ELN, and the experiment information in ResearchSpace will include equipment usage and equipment information from the Clustermarket lab resource scheduler. 

If you do not have an account with ResearchSpace yet, you can explore their digital lab tools here:

About ResearchSpace

RSpace is a combined electronic lab notebook and inventory management  system with a range of exciting capabilities. It allows researchers in biology, chemistry, biomedicine, plant science and related fields to record experiments, easily share research data and communicate efficiently within the lab. Integrations with a wide range of research tools and resources enable RSpace to operate as a digital hub for collecting, organizing and passing on information relating to research projects. Principal Investigators can use RSpace as a management tool to observe and authorize work conducted by their group and for seamless collaboration with other research groups anywhere in the world.

For more information, please visit

About Clustermarket

Clustermarket is the world-leading lab management system helping all types of laboratories optimize their operations and accelerate results. Clustermarket equips research teams with an easy-to-use software solution which enables them to coordinate equipment usage, plan maintenance activities, and generate reports and forecasts for resource planning. The intuitive system is designed for fast implementation and high adoption within the organization, whilst also offering integrations to various other software solutions.

For more information, please visit

Media Contacts

Gabriele Verbickaite
Marketing Manager, Clustermarket

Rory Macneil
CEO, ResearchSpace

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